Retreat Articles

path1LEADING YOU THROUGH A RETREAT: It is so rewarding to assist someone through a process where he or she can relax, let go of stress, heal and make breakthroughs improving greatly improve his or her life in a beautiful retreat setting. In all the retreats I lead people through, I create a unique experience where helping people let go of all that keeps them stuck and remember who they are as their Peaceful Self — that loving, joyful, calm person they know themselves to be underneath whatever they are going through.  READ MORE

womanmeditatingoutdoors4HOW LONG OF A RETREAT IS RIGHT FOR YOU: For many busy people getting away on a retreat is not easy.  That is why we have designed the Peaceful Self Retreats to take place anywhere from your own home, to a get-a-way near where you live, to a place a bit (or a lot) farther away from you.  Naturally if you are really busy our three day retreat would work best. Though if you have more time, a five to seven day retreat is recommended. READ MORE


OJAI – A PERFECT PLACE FOR RETREAT: For nearly 30 years since I first left Michigan and came to live in California, I have been visiting the quaint and peaceful town of Ojai.  Once a Chumash Native American site for peaceful gatherings, the name Ojai means “moon” in their native language. Imbued with a feminine nurturing and healing energy the valley is surrounded by mountains. READ MORE

6243695_lWHEN IS THE RIGHT TIME FOR A RETREAT: I know what it feels like to be in the middle of your day either at home or at work and just feel like, “I want to get away from it all.”  You know, that inner bubbling of discontent that is peculating inside you, but doesn’t seem to have a focus. But, even if you did have the time and money do you really know what is going on inside of you? READ MORE

inspire72WHERE SHALL I GO TO RETREAT: Ideally a retreat is a time to get away from your life. That means getting into an environment that is healing, beautiful, inspiring, nurturing, and revitalizing.  The location of your retreat can either enhance or diminish this.  Below is a brief guide of how to choose the location of your retreat with care so that you can make the most of your retreat experience. READ MORE


  • RETREATS  — Articles about places to retreat and tips about how to retreat.
  • EMOTIONAL HEALING  — Articles about coping with various emotions and recovery from loss.
  • REAL LOVE — Articles regarding how to have a healthy relationship and how to recover from one that has ended.       
  • SELF CARE  — Articles regarding how to take better care of yourself, boundary setting & more.
  • STRESS RELIEF — Articles regarding the causes of stress and how to manage it.       
  •  SPIRITUAL RECONNECTION  — Articles about various spiritual practices and ways to get in touch with your Peaceful Self      
  • VISIONING  — Articles about how to discover your soul purpose and attract what you want in a spiritual way       
  •  OTHER — Various articles that do not fit in the categories above.